Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Credit Card - Easy Target of Hackers

Now a days as more and more people are getting online for each and every information the number of Hackers have also increased. Many people are becoming targets of the hackers especially the credit card holders. They know the method of online searching and getting thousands of credit card numbers.

Though there is no full proof method to protect your data being get hacked but you can take a few sensible precautions, such as only shopping online at reputable retailers, after looking up what security protections they offer most such sites have links leading you to more information on this.

There's more help on the way, too. Visa one of the credit card company gave the information that the financial services industry is developing additional safeguards to help prevent online fraud from occurring. New authentication measures enable you to confirm that you are the authorized user of your card when shopping on the Internet. One such solution -- Verified by Visa -- allows you to register your Visa card with a participating bank, and then create a single password that you can use during the checkout process at participating online merchants. The password is your way to identify yourself online, just like signing a sales receipt at the cash register. Contact your financial institution to learn if your card is eligible for this service.

So be more careful while doing online transactions and try not to leave any important personal data on the site which is accessible to others for stealing.

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